Special Delivery

Yesterday we acquired 400 new farm guests. A phone call from the post office in the morning let us know our Cornish chick order from the hatchery had arrived. (The US Postal Service is the only carrier that will ship chicks.) It's funny walking into the post office and hearing the chirping of 400 chicks. And funnier watching the reaction of the customers waiting in line wondering what we're doing with 400 chicks.

We picked them up, brought them home and got them settled in the brooder. One by one we placed them in their new home. We were happy to see that all survived the long trip and they are doing really well! We'll keep them in the brooder for a few weeks until they are old enough for cooler temperatures and then move them to the pasture.

It takes a lot of time and effort to keep the chicks healthy and happy. They need space, water, food and most importantly warmth until they get their feathers. Fortunately we have a couple of small helpers who enjoy going out to see the "chickies" every day.