Magic Cow

Early Monday morning Shayn, Alpine and Randy (Shayn's dad) headed down to the ranch in Mt. Pleasant. It was time to wean this year's calves. They got the calves and mother cows separated, loaded the trailer with the calves and headed home. I was happy to hear the new arrivals were going to Randy's house and not ours this time - they are noisy for a few days! I can't blame them though; they miss their moms. But they certainly are big enough and ready to be on their own.

On Tuesday morning Shayn headed over to Randy's to get the chores done and found a rather adventurous calf in the manger! The calves had come in to water and somehow this rascal managed to climb in. Shayn was the only one around and didn't want the calf to hurt itself so he came up with a plan. He strapped the calf to an excavator (which was fortunately there at the time!) and quickly and carefully lifted it out and then lowered it back down to the ground.

We are still baffled as to how it climbed in there. Shayn said in all his years working on the farm he's never seen one actually in the manger. We'll have to keep an eye on this little Houdini!