Slippy? Slappy? Swenson? Swanson?


We'd like to introduce the newest member of our family! Our new fourteen-week-old standard poodle. He really looks more like a sheepdog right now, but I just don't want to cut off his puppy hair yet. He's so soft and fluffy!

It was a bit of a process in finding him. After our first standard, Endora, had to be put to sleep a few months ago, we weren't sure what to do. We knew we wanted another dog for our boys. They both love dogs and loved Endy.  But we didn't know what  breed we wanted. We started discussing which we would like and tossed around the idea of a few different breeds. But we ended up back at the standard poodle. No, it's definitely not your typical farm dog! But they are some of the best dogs. Calm, intelligent, loyal and wonderful with kids. 

So we began searching and stumbled upon Sullivan. He is such a smart dog, so good with our boys. He loves to play with them and they love him. He's can be found right next to my feet most of the time. He plays with the cats, is curious about the chickens and enjoys being outside with us doing the chores each day. And somehow he manages to find a mud puddle to jump in on a daily basis. He is getting used to a bath very quickly.

Sully is a perfect fit for our family and I love having a dog in our home again!