
You may have heard, or may not seeing as it hasn't been in the news too much, of the latest salmonella outbreak in eggs (you can read about it here). It's crazy to me that 380 million eggs in seventeen states are affected by this outbreak. That is a LOT of eggs. The only good I see from a story like this is the hope that more people will realize buying local is better. Buying free range eggs is better. Better for you, better for your family, and better for our local economy. When you cram thousands of chickens in an enclosed, overcrowded area, you are not going to have healthy chickens. 

Yes, any egg can contain salmonella bacteria. But the likelihood of an egg from a free-range, pastured chicken having salmonella is very unlikely. Our hens are healthy and happy! They are outside on a half-acre of grass. They roam and forage. They get fresh air and sunshine. They produce awesome eggs.

Have you tried them yet? Well, c'mon, what are you waiting for?