Act Now! Raw Cream & Butter Legislation

We made it to a Senate Committee!

Thank you for making your voice heard! We are one step closer to legalizing the sale of raw cream and raw butter in Utah through House Bill 182. The bill will be heard by the Senate Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Committee Monday, March 11 at 8:00am. It needs to make it out of committee to then be voted on the Senate floor.

This bill will be met with opposition from some large agriculture organizations. Both the Utah Farm Bureau and the Utah Dairy Council are against this bill and will be lobbying behind the scenes to kill it or stall it. Any action you can take will help move it to the Senate Floor.

Here's how you can help:

1. Attend the meeting! Our farm will be there to speak in behalf of this bill and we would love to have you join us. This show of support will let the committee know there are many Utah citizens who want the freedom to purchase raw cream and raw butter. There should be an opportunity for public comment when you can also speak to the committee. The meeting will be Monday, March 11th, at 8:00am in Rm 220 of the Senate Building (on the 2nd floor). HB182 is item number ten on the agenda. To view the agenda click here.

If you are unable to attend but would like to listen to the hearing, you can do so by following this link. When the meeting begins there will be an option for the audio/video of the proceedings.

2. Contact the committee members! A simple email, text, and/or phone call to let them each know you support this bill. A list of members can be found here, or their contact information is below:

Sen. Ralph Okerlund | | 435-979-7077
Sen. Allen Christensen | | 801-782-5600
Sen. Keith Grover | | 801-319-0170
Sen. David Hinkins | | 435-748-2828 (Good news! He is the floor sponsor for this bill.)
Sen. Jani Iwamoto | | 801-580-8414 (She is also on the Senate Rules committee. We appreciate her assigning this bill to a committee.)
Sen. Derek Kitchen | | 801-674-6141
Sen. Scott Sandall | | 435-279-7551
Sen. Jerry Stevenson | | 801-678-3147
Sen. Evan Vickers | | 435-817-5565

Thank you again for all of your work in moving this bill along, even in the face of some large opposition. It's exciting to see so much support for not only healthy foods, but local farms and local food too.
