Dirty Politics - Raw Cream & Butter (Urgent!)

Currently, House Bill 182 to allow the sale of raw cream and raw butter, is being held in the Senate Rules Committee. Here's an update:

The Facts:
1. HB182 was heard and discussed in the House Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Committee TWICE. It was held the first time so they could discuss it further. At the second hearing it passed with a vote of 8-5.
2. At both of those hearings the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food spoke in favor of this bill. Senator Coleman worked side by side with them to create a bill which would alleviate their concerns.
3. At both of those hearings the Utah Farm Bureau spoke against the bill. They have never been very friendly towards raw milk, let alone raw milk products. They have a lot of influence with certain politicians.
4. At the second hearing the Utah Dairy Council spoke against the bill. They have never been very friendly towards raw milk, let alone raw milk products. They also have a lot of influence with certain politicians.
5. The Chair of the Senate Rules Committee, Senator Gregg Buxton, is not friendly toward this bill.

This appears to be a stall tactic as we are running out of time. There is no reason for this bill to sit in Rules. It should go to a Senate Committee, be heard, and if it passes out, be voted on. Simply holding the bill because someone doesn't like it is dirty politics. This is shutting down the voice of the people and never giving us, as citizens of Utah, the opportunity to share our opinion.

Here's what you can do:

Contact the Senate Rules Committee members! This committee decides if a bill will be assigned to a committee, which committee will hear it, and when. Send a simple email, phone call, and text to let them each know you support this bill and want it to be heard. ASK THEM WHY it is being held. REQUEST they assign it to a committee. TALK ABOUT how it passed out of the House with an overwhelming majority vote. REMIND them time is running out and this needs to be done NOW.

A list of members can be found here, or their contact information is below:

Sen. Gregg Buxton (Chair) |  gbuxton@le.utah.gov | 801-707-7095
Sen. Lincoln Fillmore (Vice Chair) | lfillmore@le.utah.gov | 385-831-8902
Sen. Jake Anderegg | janderegg@le.utah.gov | 801-901-3580
Sen. Wayne Harper | wharper@le.utah.gov | 801-566-5466
Sen. Dan Hemmert | dhemmert@le.utah.gov | 801-380-8262
Sen. Don Ipson | dipson@le.utah.gov | 435-817-5281
Sen. Jani Iwamoto | jiwamoto@le.utah.gov | 801-580-8414
Sen. Karen Mayne | kmayne@le.utah.gov | 801-232-6648
Sen. Dan McCay | dmccay@le.utah.gov | 801-810-4110
For convenience here are all of their email addresses:


Time is of the essence and anything you can do will help.
