We're Building a Dairy! (October 2015 Update)
At the September Planning Commission Meeting our dairy permit was APPROVED! A huge thank you to those who came to speak in support of us - we have the BEST customers! And a huge thank you also to West Jordan City for their continued support of local agriculture in our community. We just received our building permit and will begin construction immediately. Everything will be on site here at our farm and we will continue to update you as we go.
We will be open normal hours on Saturday for Halloween: 9am-12pm. What do you need to feed your ghouls and goblins that night? Ground beef for chili? Cheese to top it? Stop in and get your All Hallow's Eve dinner essentials!
Did we visit any of your kids at school last month? Farmer Shayn and some of our farm friends participated in the "Farm to School" program through Jordan School District for three days. We visited Majestic Elementary, Oquirrh Elementary & Riverside Elementary, talking to the kids about where their food comes from and giving them the chance to get up close to our animals.

Our next bulk orders will be available NOVEMBER 19 & 21. Deposits are due Saturday, October 31 (Halloween)! Corriente & Angus beef, pork, and Alaskan Salmon are all currently available. Do you want to try our meat before you make a big purchase? Stop by our farm store this weekend and pick up some separate cuts.
Shayn spent some time in Iowa in October at the Waverley Midwest Horse sale. It's a huge draft horse & equipment auction and a great place for us to purchase equipment for our big guys to use. One of his last stops was the Amish Community of Bloomfield. Our friend, Ivan, builds, sells and repairs draft horse implements, some of which you can see in the photos. Our Amish friends are always willing to help and share their skills and advice with our horses.
(He passed thousands of acres of corn on his drive along I-80, much of it will probably be fed to commercial animals. He also drove by a cattle feed lot and saw acres and acres of cows with little room to move. Followed by a pig feed lot - not a single pig was outside but you could smell them miles away. Small, local farms are the way to go!)

We have a few new signs on our farm to make it easier for you find us. This one is on the west side of our barn, visible from 5600 West. Hopefully we'll be simple to find when you send family and friends our way!