Farming = FUN!

I know we've all heard that blondes have more fun, but I have to agree with Alpine on this one.

Oh I apologize for the lack of updates over the past couple of months! Those of you who have visited our farm know we haven't been lounging around - although that sounds quite nice.

  • We've had many beef orders, many chicken orders and have met so many wonderful new people!
  • We also had to prepare the animals for winter - water heaters, straw beds, move the cows, etc.
  • Equipment breakdowns. Grrrr.
  • Shayn is currently rushing to install new power lines and water lines before the ground freezes for a few months. We are expanding our poultry pasture so we can raise turkeys next year!

Even with the busy life that farming brings, it really is fun. Yesterday while Shayn was out digging trenches, Alpine was right alongside him, shovel in hand, working in the mud and sliding down the piles of dirt. He came in after dark with rosy cheeks, a runny nose and a huge smile on his face. A perfect day for this kid.