Chicken In Stock! (June 2018 Update)
Our signature UNM corn & soy free pastured birds are finally back! Whole chickens will be in the market beginning TOMORROW - SATURDAY, JUNE 9th. This is just our first group for the season. We'll harvest another group in a couple of weeks and then about every week afterward, so when these birds sell out don't worry - there's more on the way!
UNM Pastured Chicken
Whole birds only at this time
Feet, necks, heart & liver also in stock at $4/bag
Available on a first-come basis
We've had quite a few new friends of the farm lately and thought we'd take a minute to introduce ourselves. So, hello! We're the Bowlers - a family of six living on a farm in the middle of West Jordan. Shayn handles the day to day chores & logistics of a dairy, butcher shop, market, animals, etc. - mainly anything outdoors. Kristen's usually running the business side which includes orders, customer service, accounting, social media (hi!), etc. Together, with the rest of our team, we've created a UNM urban oasis - a place we invite our community to visit & enjoy.
Shayn is the fifth-generation of a family farm which began years ago in Southern Utah; his dad's family growing hay in Enterprise & his mom's running a dairy in Veyo. Now, many years later, we value the opportunity to raise our family the same way. Your support allows us to do something we love while we teach this way of life not only to our kids, but also anyone with a desire to farm, which then benefits generations to come.
(We'll be highlighting our farm team in the weeks to come. It takes all of us working together to bring the best food to your table!)
With summer schedules our class lineup has slowed down, but we do have a few in the works we'll be adding soon. Check the Education page on our site for updates as they become available.
Below is what's currently on the calendar. Follow the link to sign up!
Fowl Fundamentals: The How-To of Harvesting Poultry
Instructor - Shayn Bowler
Tuition - $50 (Includes one pastured UNM chicken)
SATURDAY, JUNE 23 at 1:00pm (SOLD OUT)
SATURDAY, JULY 14 at 1:00pm (5 Seats Available)
Don't forget the opportunity to help us bottle-feed our calves! Every Saturday at 11:00am.
We had an exciting arrival this week - TWINS! And the best news is they're both heifers and both healthy and doing well. Their mom is 1290, one of our original
dairy cows we began milking just for our family years ago, and she was a rock star, delivering both without needing any assistance from us.
Twins are rare, happening on average around 5% of the time in dairy breeds, although we tend to have them more often here at the farm. But multiples aren't always a good thing.
Half of the time when a set of twins is born one will be a heifer and one a bull. When it occurs there is a 90% chance the heifer will be a "freemartin", which means she is infertile. Early on in the pregnancy it’s common for the separate embryos to fuse and then share the same blood supply. Hormones from the male fetus can cross to the female fetus causing reproductive abnormalities in the female. Instead of carrying the typical XX chromosomes of a female, a freemartin heifer will carry a Y chromosome. The heifer will otherwise be completely healthy - just unable to reproduce. In those instances we raise the cow for beef instead as the reproduction aspect is kind of a key component when running a dairy.
So there is your bovine science lesson for today. There's always something interesting you can learn on the farm!
Our next bulk orders will be available JULY 5 & 7. Deposits are due SUNDAY, JUNE 17. Corriente beef, Angus beef, pork, and lamb are all available. Do you want to try our meat before you make a big purchase? Stop by our farm store and pick up some separate cuts.
Bulk salmon cases are sold out and we will begin taking deposits for the 2018 catch soon. Individual fillets are still available in the store while supplies last.
Turkey is almost gone and will not be in the market again until November. We still have backs, fat, and leg/thighs in stock.
Hogganero Ketchup from our favorite BBQ guys at Big Daddy Hill's. It has a bit of a delicious bite as they combine Habanero peppers with their flavorful ketchup. Plus there's a bonus of some natural bacon thrown in - because everything's better with bacon! $5/bottle and available in the store.
Our turkey poults recently arrived! The USPS is the only carrier who will ship live poultry, and it's always an interesting and somewhat humorous experience to pick up the poults at the post office. They're now nestled in our brooder with fresh food and water, happily chirping away. Hoping all goes well for the next five-ish months - poultry can be a little precarious to raise outdoors.
June is National Dairy Month and what better way to celebrate than showcasing our beautiful Jersey gals eating their greens! We let the spring grass grow as long as we can and last week the ladies were sent out to enjoy it.