Chicken is Back (May 2017 Update)
This is just our first batch - we'll be processing birds for the next two weeks so more will be on the way. Organs & feet will also be restocked.

It's Memorial Day weekend and the weather is warming up - kick off summer with something good on the grill. Choose from bratwurst, chops, steaks, salmon, burgers & more. All from UNM animals raised outside and on fresh greens. And don't forget we also carry local barbecue sauces & seasonings which pair great with our meat.

Meet the our newest farmhands - Pete & Paul. These guys are 4,000 pounds of horsepower combined with the most mellow personalities. Shayn brought them back from Iowa last month when he visited the Waverley Midwest Horse Sale and they've fit right in, helping us with discing, planting & plowing.
We needed a new team as we lost Duke earlier this year due to old age. King is still here working hard. Although he can't quite pull as much as he used to, he makes the rounds with Shayn to help feed all the animals each morning.

Our next bulk orders will be available JUNE 15& 17. Deposits are due TOMORROW - SATURDAY, MAY 27.Corriente & Angus beef, pork, lamb and salmon are all currently available. Do you want to try our meat before you make a big purchase? Stop by our farm store and pick up some separate cuts.
Henry often spends his time on calf duty. He has appointed himself to this position and takes it very seriously. ;) It's heartwarming to see him watch over the new arrivals on the farm. We've had a few new calves this month a some are right by the farm store where you can stop by for a visit.

This is an eye-opening article reviewing some of the large organic milk producers. It's a great reminder to KNOW YOUR FARMER when possible. We place more value on transparency at our farm than we do on a label. Buy local whenever possible. Stop in. Visit the animals. Ask questions. Speak with the people growing your food. Unfortunately these labels don't mean much if you don't know your farmer.
“About half of the organic milk sold in the U.S. is coming from very large factory farms that have no intention of living up to organic principles,” said Mark Kastel of the Cornucopia Institute, a Wisconsin-based nonprofit group representing thousands of organic farmers. “Thousands of small organic farmers across the United States depend on the USDA organic system working. Unfortunately, right now, it’s not working for small farmers or for consumers.”
Why Your 'Organic' Milk May Not Be Organic
Plus, it's a great time to buy milk from the farm! With warmer weather the girls are giving us much more of their liquid gold and our supply is awesome right now.