DIY: Bone Broth and Lard

If you've been to our farm, you've probably seen people buying animal bones & fat.

"What in the world do you do with those?" you may wonder. You're not the only one! Most people are in the same boat. But did you know that bones from our grass-fed animals makes fantastic, nutrient-dense broth that can be used in a variety of recipes? And fat from our pastured pigs can give you a healthy, saturated fat in the form of lard which is great for cooking? Plus, both are so easy to make!

Kristin at Little Purple Barn shared a great tutorial on how to make your own broth. Say good-bye to the canned broths as it's a very simple process that she describes as "nearly fool-proof". Check it out here: The Brilliance of Bone Broth

Elizabeth at Wonderfully Balanced posted basic instructions on how to render lard. She goes through it step-by-step and has pictures to show what your lard should look like along the way. Her post is here: How to Render Lard

We have plenty of bones (beef, lamb & pork), as well as pork fat, in stock right now at our farm store!

Bones: $3.00/pound
Fat: $2.50/pound

Stop by and visit Thursdays from 2-5:30 and Saturdays from 9am-12pm.