Turkeys are Here & the Last Bulk Order of the Year


1. Thanksgiving Turkeys are now available to purchase at our farm store. We have some Bourbon Red turkeys (avg. 7 lbs) for $6.50/lb. and plenty of Broad-Breasted turkeys (avg. 16 lbs) for $5.00/lb. All of our birds are pasture-raised, eating grasses, barley sprouts and non-GMO grains. They are corn & soy free and never receive any antibiotics. All birds are FROZEN and available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Pick one up this week for your holiday feast! More information can be found here: Turkeys

We also have turkey cut-ups available. We currently have the following in stock: boneless/skinless breasts, wings, leg/thigh and bones.

2. Our last BULK ORDER for the year will be December 5 & 7. Deposits are due by this Saturday, November 16, to reserve meat for those pick up days. We have grass-fed and finished Corriente & Angus beef as well as pastured-pork. All are fed a non-GMO diet and never given any antibiotics. Stock your freezer with delicious beef & pork for these cold winter months! Find out more here:

Corriente Beef
Angus Beef
Pastured Pork

(After December, our next bulk order date is anticipated to be in March of 2014.)

We wish you a Wonderful and Bountiful Thanksgiving!