Incredible Eggs!

Have you tried a "real" egg before? We're not talking about the look-a-like spheres you can buy at the grocery store, but farm fresh eggs. Eggs from hens who are not caged, actually eat pasture grasses and spend time outside. Those who have notice there is a huge difference. Our eggs have so much flavor. The yolks are more of an orange-yellow color, instead of the pale yellow seen in commercial eggs. The yolks are firm. And they come from chickens who are able to act like chickens. The hens are outside, scratching and pecking all day.

We are excited for our eggs to be featured in this month's issue of Ingredients Magazine. Jessica wrote a great article about eggs and the differences between our farm fresh eggs and those from a grocery store. You can read more here: Ingredients Magazine - Issue 7

With the warmer weather so far this winter, and chicks that have grown up and are now laying, we currently have a great supply of eggs! Stop by our farm for a visit and to pick some up. We are available Thursdays from 2-5pm and Saturdays from 9am-12pm. More information is available here on our website: Separate Cuts