
Say hello to Fern, our Dutch Belted cow. She joined us a few months ago when Shayn got a wild idea to buy a milk cow (apparently he needs a hobby). We had previously researched the Dutch Belted breed, which are known for their milk - it is naturally homogenized and has a small curd making it easier to digest. They’re also a heritage breed cow, having not been bred to produce milk, which means they give a good quantity of milk on grass without the need for grains. They are quite rare in Utah, so when we came across one for sale Shayn didn’t waste any time getter her. She was already bred and had her cute little heifer calf in April.

We are so glad to have her at our farm. She is gentle and loves attention. She was very cooperative when we milked her a few times as well. We currently have her calf with her as we’re not quite ready to commit to milking each day.

Some customers ask if we sell raw milk. We don’t sell any dairy products right now and I don’t know of anyone in the Salt Lake Valley that sells raw cow’s milk. We currently don’t have any plans to sell the milk as the government dairy regulations make it difficult to do. When we are passing through Utah County, we stop at Real Foods Market in Orem and purchase milk from them. It’s delicious! If you know of anyone closer to Salt Lake who does sell raw milk, please share as we have many customers who are looking for a closer source!