A Wonderful, Magical Animal

Once upon a time, before we had children and animals and a farm and..., Shayn & I would actually watch a little TV. On occasion we would catch an episode of "The Simpsons". One we particularly enjoyed was about a BBQ and Lisa's desire to be a vegetarian. We often find ourselves quoting Homer whenever we have a slice of bacon:

Homer: Wait wait wait a minute Lisa, honey, are you saying that you're never going to eat any animal again? What about bacon?
Lisa: No!
Homer: Ham?
Lisa: No!
Homer: Pork chops?
Lisa: Dad, those all come from the same animal!
Homer: Yeah right Lisa, a wonderful, "magical" animal.

Last week we acquired two of these "magical" animals and they are living in our front pasture. Alpine decided he wanted to name them and I hesistated; a big farm rule for me is we don't give names to our food. But when he told me their names were Ham and Evil Dr. Porkchop I let it slide.

We are testing these pigs to see how they do on our pasture. We are planning to butcher them in January and have limited pork cuts available for sale. If this trial run goes well we will add pork to our inventory next year!

Are you interested in purchasing pork? If so, what cuts would you like to purchase?